The Need –

The Need

Why is My Child Struggling?

You have an amazing child with unlimited potential. But something seems to be getting in the way. They may have behavioral problems, social difficulty, or be experiencing academic frustrations. They may want social interaction but struggle to make and keep friends. They may know the answers for a test but test poorly. In other words, something is “out of balance.”

It is painful to watch your child struggle. Whether the challenges are social, behavioral, academic, or otherwise, understanding the cause and how to help is difficult. Meanwhile, more and more children are diagnosed or “labeled” with countless unexplained disorders. Unfortunately, unless the origin of these issues is understood, the problems generally follow the children into adulthood and often grow even worse.

Ironically, many of these children are very bright and do great in many areas. Yet, some are unable to pay attention, sit still, and are easily distracted. They have a tough time following instructions and some fail to respond entirely. Some have frequent emotional outbursts while some are picky eaters. Others have poor coordination, difficulty riding a bike, catching a ball, or have no interest in sports at all. Instead, they seem obsessed with TV, video games, and may even ask to watch the same movie over and over.

Brain Balance helps children of all ages. All children are different yet many of them have similar struggles. Regardless of how small or big the challenges may be, they can make life harder for the child and for the whole family.

Meet some real local kids that had some challenges that may be familiar to you.

Meet Andrew


Before Brain Balance:

Andrew was struggling with his behavior in school, at home, and in his activities. He was immature for his age, prone to severe emotional meltdowns and was unable to sit still at all. He constantly complained about wearing clothes and shoes and very often took them off , even while at school. Andrew also lacked impulse control, and could not read social cues. His teachers started to label him as a “bad” kid which was hard for me as a mom to watch. He was struggling with academics, but I knew that was not for lack of intellect, but from an inability to focus.

After Brain Balance:

Andrew is a completely different child! His emotional meltdowns have all but disappeared! He doesn’t throw the big tantrum like he used to, and can better control his emotions and reactions. He is calmer, can sit through school and church, he can read social cues much better, he responds to instruction much quicker, and remembers everything that he is told to do. He is not so easily distracted by surrounding noises, and can focus on a particular task until it is done. He also keeps his clothes and shoes on at school. His intellect is now shining through!

Read more about Andrew »

Meet Jasmine


Before Brain Balance:

Jasmine was very emotional, lacked focus, could never sit still and was always on the move. She hated school and so did we. Every day she came home upset and crying because she couldn’t do the work and she didn’t get along with her classmates, especially the boys. She was overweight and struggled to keep up with her peers. So with all that and more against her school was very hard.

After Brain Balance:

Jasmine is on the right track. Now she is focused and school is no longer so hard. Her teacher said that her handwriting is now one of the best in her class. She understands personal space and because of that, she has made friends her own age. She tries and enjoys new foods and is at a healthy weight now. Teachers are always expressing how proud they are of Jasmine and all her positive changes. Everyone who knew Jasmine before Brain Balance all say she has grown in a positive way.

Read more about Jasmine »

Meet Collin


Before Brain Balance:

Collin was adopted at age 4 ½ from Romania. Collin Struggled Academically and with Self-esteem. He struggled with stubbornness and anxiety. Although he was very friendly and talkative he was not able to control this behavior and did not understand social boundaries. In school he had difficulty with attention, focus, staying on task and short-term memory. He didn’t have very many friends; he was able to make friends with adults or small children but not kids his same age. At 14, we worried he was too old to help. Some people think that if you don’t help a child by a certain age, then it’s too late.

After Brain Balance:

Collin has caught up academically and everything at school is less of a struggle for him. He has made a couple of strong peer relationships and is much more mature. He is acting his age and has so much confidence. He is doing things that he never dared try before; he is hiking and doing outdoor activities that he shied away from and best of all he is happier and we are too!

Read more about Collin »

Meet Macie


Before Brain Balance:

Macie was having trouble in school. She failed every spelling test no matter how much study time we put in and she was having a hard time reading. We would study math facts nightly and the next day they would be gone. She was also struggling with self esteem issues and was just super sensitive and took everything very personally.

After Brain Balance:

Macie’s self esteem and her confidence level went up and people around her noticed that too. She also she started reading for enjoyment and was so excited about the school year which she usually dreaded. Macie is currently getting A’s and B’s and has a much better social life.

Read more about Macie »

unlock your child's potential.

Talk with us today about getting
your child back on track with Brain Balance!
ARIZONA (480) 401-1220 | COLORADO (970) 431-0050
OREGON (503) 946-3330 | UTAH (801) 899-4949