the need

the program

the results

the centers

"Brain Balance has changed our family forever. It is by far one of the most amazing things I have witnessed in my life.

My hope is that other families will find Brain Balance first and save themselves the pain, struggle, financial burden, marital and family stress that we and so many other families have experienced.

Because of this, we have worked to bring Brain Balance to the families of Utah so they can experience the same changes and miracles with which we have been blessed."

Learn more about this family’s incredible story in a day-by-day account of their journey through the Brain Balance program click here

Tammy Bingham
Executive Director

unlock your child's potential.

Talk with us today about getting
your child back on track with Brain Balance!
ARIZONA (480) 401-1220 | COLORADO (970) 431-0050
OREGON (503) 946-3330 | UTAH (801) 899-4949